Fungi monitoring in filamentous bioprocess
The researchers from TU Wien monitored spore germination real-time by means of a CytoSense with accuracy >95%. Analysis of stained Penicillium chrysogenum spore with a CytoSense revealed activation of their metabolic activity and simultaneous change in their size and surface character. This flow cytometric analysis was possible despite the presence of other particles common for complex media […]
Phytoplankton community
Changed by personal care products The CytoSense at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology provided interesting data on the influence of micropollutants present in common pharmaceuticals and personal care products on the phytoplankton diversity and biomass.
Fighting a Harmful Algal Bloom
In the Netherlands At the start of august 2012, a dangerously high concentration of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium Ostenfeldii was found within a creek near Ouwerkerk, Zeeland. This species is known to produce very toxic substances (saxitoxine among others), and with concentrations of millions of cells per liter this could pose a threat to humans and […]
Analysis of fresh, untreated phytoplankton
During ship cruises Synechococcus spp., picoeukaryotes (< 2 μm), haploid and diploid Phaeocystis globosa, Cryptophytes, Diatoms and Coccolitophores. During another cruise, the CytoSense detected on average 10x more Cryptophytes in comparison with microscopic quantification which required sample fixation.
Hourly monitoring of phytoplankton community dynamics
In the Berre Lagoon (Marseille) High frequency (hourly) monitoring of phytoplankton community in the largest brackish water lagoon in Mediterranean area was realized by means of a CytoSense by the researchers from MIO, Aix-Marseille University. Clusters revealed upon analysis of phytoplankton community were shown to be functional response groups, both regarding the daily variations as […]
Flow cytometry on a solar-powered buoy
Remotely controlled The researchers from the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MIO), Aix-Marseille University were the first to place a flow cytometer on a moored solar-powered buoy EOL (OVLFR). Throughout the 2 months deployment the CytoSub was controlled remotely. Resulting data was transferred via WIFI connection on a distance of 1.7 km. With this innovative approach, […]
River water quality monitoring
5 years (and counting) The CytoSense on the river Meuse analyses phytoplankton community hourly from March till November. It is an important part of the early warning system on this drinking water providing river. The project is led by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, in close collaboration with CytoBuoy and Thomas Rutten […]
Analysis of Microcystis
From single cells to colonies The wide particle size range measured in the CytoSense enabled researchers to analyze Microcystis single cells and colonies present in Lake Taihu. Since September 2016 a CytoSense is applied to continuously monitor dynamics of this harmful cyanobacterium. It is a part of a large-scale program set up to protect water quality […]
Analysis of Prochlorococcus marina
The smallest photosynthetic organism Using a CytoSense the researchers from the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MIO), Aix-Marseille University, successfully analyzed Prochlorococcus marina. With diameter of around 0.6 μm, this marine cyanobacterium is the smallest known photosynthetic organism. At the same time it is the most abundant photosynthetic organism on Earth. Quantitative analysis of Prochlorococcus marina with the CytoSense facilitates […]